The DISP™ range double stationary mechanical seals provide highly-technical, value-engineered sealing solutions applicable for all industry sectors. The seal incorporates an integral bi-directional flow inducer for effective seal cooling.


Double Stationary Seal with Pumping Scroll

The DISP™ range double stationary mechanical seals provide highly-technical, value-engineered sealing solutions applicable for all industry sectors. The seal incorporates an integral bi-directional flow inducer for effective seal cooling.


  • Efficient bi-directional pumping circulates barrier fluid for effective seal face cooling and extended seal life.
  • High-integrity drive design features improve reliability and seal life
  • Thin radial faces reduce heat generation compared to alternative dual balanced designs 
  • Supplied with quench, flush and drain ports
  • Sizes available from 1.000″ to 3.375″ (24mm – 85mm) in standard and ANSI plus gland formats

Hot seal faces = poor seal life. The DISP™ double seal features a highly effective bi-directional flow inducer with a ‘heat removal’ flow path to directly combat this issue.